New To The World Of Wine? Here Are 3 Fun, Interesting Ways To Expand Your Knowledge!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 0 comments
Want a fun way to learn about wine? Many people these days are intimidated by the world of wines.
There are so many labels, so many types and brands - and how do you even begin to figure out the proper 
 food pairings?
Well, one of the best ways to learn about wine is through direct experience - practice and tasting. This is the best way to teach yourself how to taste and really appreciate what makes a quality bottle.
How do you do that? Easy - here are 3 unique, fun ways to learn about wine:
#1 Visit a Winery
Whether you're on vacation or live close to a wine growing region, chances are you can take a tour and visit one or even a few different wineries.
You can see how the grapes are grown, walk the vineyard, watch the process of winemaking and even do a tasting. It really gives you an appreciation for the complexities of the wine-making process.
The people who run these tours are usually full of information and can your experience both fun and educational. Go with a few friends and you'll have an experience to talk about for years. You may even find a new favorite wine on your tour!
#2 Host A Wine Tasting Party
This isn't as hard as it sounds (provided your friends aren't wine critics!). Wine tasting is very subjective after all.
But you may have to do a bit of leg-work beforehand. Make sure you buy several different types of reds and whites - preferably from different places (alternately, you can also buy the same type of red from different regions if you really want to study a certain type of wine like a Pinot Noir, Riesling or Cabernet, for example).
You may have to do a brief overview for your guests about how to taste - look at the color, smell the aromas, taste and savor the wine noticing the tastes, acidity, tannins and sweetness levels. Then after the wine is gone, notice how it finishes on the palate. You can usually find some good information on wine tasting either online or at your local wine store.
Another thing you may want to include for your guests is their own wine rating sheets so that they can make their own observations of each bottle. After the tasting it's a lot of fun to compare notes. You'll be learning via your own tasting experience - as well as everyone else's!
#3 Join A Wine Club
Wine clubs will send you several bottles of expertly-selected premium wines every month or every quarter. These usually come with tasting notes and information on the wineries and that particular bottle you've received.
You can find a wine of the month club to suit your preferences. So for example you may want to try some international reds or receive several fine sparkling whites every month. You can even join clubs that will send you bottles rated 90+ points by critics - that are almost impossible to get in stores.
A wine club isn't just a fun way to experience wine - it's also a great way to save money since you're paying less than you normally would if you bought the bottles separately. Plus most wine clubs give their members attractive discounts on future reorders.
So those are some memorable, interesting ways to expand your wine knowledge - and have fun at the same time.
Remember that you don't have to know it all - even the experts don't know everything! The beauty of learning about wine is the adventures you experience while building your knowledge!

Reasons Why Organic Food Can Change the Landscape of Food Production Worldwide

Friday, July 20, 2012 0 comments
Let’s face it.Organicfood is the biggest trend to hit the food scene in a long time. And it is shaping up to change the way that we eat and the way we acquire our food forever. Not only does it mean more nutritious food, but it also means nature can sustain our need for food better. It’s clearly the better and saner option. You may or may not know everything about organic food, but it sure stimulates your curiosity. There are a lot of reasons why organic food can change the landscape of food production worldwide. And admittedly, those reasons are for the better.
There are a lot of reasons why organic food can change the way we eat. When you take a close look at organic food, it’s actually better than your conventional food in just about every conceivable measurement. First, we should take a look at the biggest point of contention: food quality. In terms of quality, organic food is undisputedly is the product of higher quality. Its texture, color, and other qualities you take a look at when choosing food is significantly better than their non-organic counterparts. Perhaps most importantly, taste and nutritional value of food are significantly boosted when they are farmed the organic way.
There are also reasons why organic food is considered a product of a more sustainable form of farming. This is mainly because the natural system of growth and reproduction for both plants and animals are not compromised in any way. It’s been said time and again that artificial farming aids such as fertilizers, feeds, pesticides, and antibiotics are harming both plants and animals utilized as sources of food. But beyond its adverse effect to living organisms, it cannot be understated what its effects are in the ecosystem. Not only are their residues deposited within the tissues of plants and animals, but these same residues poison natural resources necessary to maintain life such as water, soil, and air. In organic farming, use of these artificial products is not necessary anymore, and that means great news for ecosystems.
Perhaps you already know why organic food is considered the better and saner choice. But the next question is, where can you actually get them? At first glance, organic food sounds obscure, meaning you can concede that you’ll have a tough time acquiring them. But that’s not always the case. In fact, getting organic food is becoming easier because more farmers are seeing the advantages of farming food the organic way. You can buy organic produce on both markets and groceries. In fact, there’s often a separate section for organic food. Add to that the emerging number of specialized organic food dealers, and your options are plentiful all of a sudden.
Those are just some of the reasons why organic food is causing a huge commotion both in the news and in the market. Its significance and potential value cannot be denied or even understated. It’s only a matter of time before the methods take over our farms and the produce takes over our stalls and dining tables. And the world will be a better place because of it.

Why Organic Food is Food for the Future

Sunday, July 15, 2012 0 comments
The trend towards organicfood is arguably the biggest paradigm shift in food production since the agricultural revolution centuries ago. A system of methods completely different from the current system of procuring food, the organic system aims to revolutionize how we see, make, and eat our food. But beyond the seemingly futuristic implications of organic food, it is actually based on principles existing since the start of human civilization. Still, that may not be a sufficient answer as far as “why organic food is the food for the future” is concerned. Hopefully, this article can answer most, if not all, of your questions.
To better answer that question, it is absolutely necessary for you to know first what makes food organic. A lot have been profiting from the term “organic food”, even though it’s possible that they’re not really organic. Just to clarify some deep-seated generalizations, it’s worth it to answer the question of what should be considered organic food. Food is considered organic if it is produced using “organic” means. The organic way dictates that no artificial substance should be used in the process of growing plants or animals for food. That means there are no fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and other synthetically modified content that goes into the food. That’s why organic food has become such a compelling choice.
What are the advantages of having a diet composed of purely organic food? All these advantages are tied up to not having artificial content on the food. Because of the absence of these potentially toxic contents, there’s no risk of poisoning of both the acute and chronic type. You don’t have to fear anymore that you’re eating pesticide, antibiotic, or some odd substance used to kill other life forms (and conceivably can kill you as well). An additional benefit (mainly because of the better health demonstrated by both plants and animals without these substances) is the increased quality and nutritional value of organic food relative to its non-organic counterparts. They have more nutrients, particularly the essential ones, and less of the nasty stuff. Plus, their taste and overall palatability is better too. That’s just one of the reasons why organic food has suddenly shot up to our awareness.
One of the things that make people shy away from organic food is apparently its price. People are openly wondering why organic food are priced that high. Only a few farmers are capable of organic farming so far, and that causes a shortage of supply. It’s coupled with the fact that right now, organic food is being considered as somewhere in between being a “niche product” and a “fad”. Because of these factors, it’s natural to expect prices will be higher. But if awareness with organic food can increase (and signs say it will), it’s realistic to expect that prices are going to go lower as the years progress.
There’s a reason why organic food is being presented like it’s the future. To be quite frank, that’s because it indeed represents the future. Organic food is the next big trend because it simply makes too much sense to ignore.

Why Organic Food Makes Sense For Both Scientific and Practical Reasons

Thursday, July 12, 2012 0 comments
When you hear the term organic food, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Something very scientific in nature and a bit too complicated to be understood by a layman? Actually, that’s not the case. Because once you get to know more about the concept behind organic food, you’ll be surprised that it’s actually a very easy concept to understand. Even better, it’s a much better product to have in your dining room. Of course it takes a bit of exploration to understand the concept better. In this article, you’ll see the reasons why organic food makes sense for both scientific and practical reasons.
Before you can understand why organic food is such a hit right now and even more so moving forward, one must define first what organic food is. Knowing its true definition is important because as you may already know, some businesses are actually capitalizing on the term “organic food”, though that should not be anyone’s trademark. Organic food is not actually a brand or even a type of food. What makes food organic is the process in which food was made. If the organic process is not followed, then it disqualifies food from being considered as organic.
In this next paragraph, the process of creating organic food is going to be explained. It will ultimately explain why organic food makes sense scientifically. The process of making organic food starts with a meticulously created farming process. This process is different from conventional farming mainly because all steps are made to ensure an all-natural approach is to be followed. And when you talk about natural, that means nothing artificial, such as fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and artificially modified feed must be introduced to food-producing plants and animals. It’s already well-documented how these artificial substances reduce the overall quality of life for these plants and animals. They are also equally known for damaging ecosystems both in the farm and beyond. The removal of these artificial substances makes organic farming such a sensible thing to do.
In a practical sense, there are a lot of reasons why organic food is the better choice. One of the reasons is the better quality of food produced by organic means. Not only are these foods of better quality (better color, texture, size, and flavor), but they are also much more nutritious. But it doesn’t only make sense for consumers, but it also makes sense for farmers. Not only does it keep the farm in good shape (as explained in the earlier paragraph), but it reduces their expenses. Fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, and the like are known to be expensive, so eliminating them from the equation has its benefits on the financial front. So practically, both food producers and consumers can be happy with organic farming.
There are a lot of reasons why organic food makes a lot of sense, but what’s discussed here are just some of the most compelling ones. That just goes to prove that following an organic lifestyle makes sense for both scientific and practical reasons.

An In-Depth Look on Why Organic Food is a Hot Trend

Wednesday, July 11, 2012 0 comments
Eating organic is currently the hottest trend that hit food during the last few years. With people growing largely concerned with health issues arising from genetically altered food, people are resorting to a more natural approach to get their food. Couple that with rising ethical issues regarding the treatment and future viability of both plants and animals, and the call for an organic approach doesn’t only have the support of dieticians, but also of environmentalists. But a big question begs to be answered. In this article, we’ll try to look in-depth on why organic food is a hot trend and if it deserves to get all this hype.
There are so many ways to answer that question, to be honest. But arguably, you cannot see the reasons why organic food is a great option moving forward if you don’t know what being organic actually means. That’s where you’ll have to define what organic food is. To make it short, organic food is defined as food, regardless if the source is plant or animal, which is prepared using purely natural methods. As a rule, the methodologies of cultivating these food sources should closely approximate that found on their natural habitat, or at least make a close resemblance to it.
There are so many reasons why organic food was created. And the satisfaction of each of those reasons is the central root for both its notoriety and long-term viability. First, let’s take a look at the notoriety part. 

When taking a look at the labels of organic foods, the first thing that jumps into you is them mentioning that there’s no toxic substances contained in these products. That is actually true. For plants, that means food is devoid of traces of fertilizers and pesticides. As for animals, that means food is devoid of hormones and artificially modified feeds. It’s already widely documented how these man-made substances ultimately reduce the quality of food that goes to everyone’s table. So eliminating these substances can simply be considered as a very welcome improvement.
As for why organic food presents long-term viability, it would be best to take a look at farming at a biological perspective. In a way, it can be said that a farm is a form of an ecosystem. And when harmful materials are placed in an ecosystem, then that should compromise the health of the organisms living there, right? Actually, it does more than that. Fertilizers and pesticides not only have the potential of poisoning both plants and animals, but they also damage both soil and water systems. Also, some of these man-made formulas can significantly alter an organism’s genetic structure, causing some unwanted and even fatal consequences. Removing these man-made substances from the farm system should at the very least increase the survival chances of these plants and animals, right? Not only that, it assures farms that they’ll still be viable for years, decades, and even millennia.
Those are just some of the reasons why organic food is becoming the biggest trend in food systems. It goes beyond just putting high-quality food into the table. Organic methods of food production ensure that our ecosystem can provide sufficient high-quality food to our tables well into the future.

Why Organic Food Production is Good for the Future

Monday, July 9, 2012 0 comments
Organicfood is the latest revolution when it comes to eating food. Not only does it represent a new way of preparing and ensuring food will be there on your dining table, but it is a lifestyle that can make both human society and nature a better place moving forward. Quite frankly, this is the biggest trend to hit food in this generation. Why organic food and why is it considered worthy to take over food systems worldwide?
To get the ball rolling, this article just needs to make this clear. Organic food does not represent any brand name or organization. What it represents is a new method in creating food for the masses. When you say organic food, this is food created without the use of artificial means such as the use of fertilizers and pesticides. For that reason alone, that is one of the major reasons why organic food is good for you. The detrimental effects of fertilizers and pesticides are well-chronicled, both for the people who eat them and the ecosystem that nurture them. Even that alone makes organic food such a no-brainer for a food system.
So what are the benefits organic farming can bring to your food other than the removal of the presence of artificial elements? Still pretty plenty if you’re going to ask me. Of course, there would always be the health benefits. It is discovered that organic food is packed with more nutrients compared to those prepared using traditional farming methods. Even better, the quality of food is markedly better: the colors are brighter, the texture is crisper, the taste is stronger. To make the long story short, practically every conceivable measure of food quality went up another notch. Perhaps it’s because of the improved health of the plant or animal, but the notion that organic food is much better is just a straight-up fact.
As told earlier, one of the reasons why organic food is considered good is because it doesn’t necessitate the use of potentially harmful chemicals, chemicals that can disrupt environmental balance. But farmers are likely to say “wait a second, isn’t that going to make our lives as a farmer much more difficult?” Actually, the opposite of that statement can be true. Switching to organic farming methods is much easier than most people think. Preparing natural fertilizer, also called compost, is actually simple. In fact, you can even create your own fertilizer out of biodegradable waste and even the discards from your last harvest. And as for the anti-pest part, there’s something about organically grown plants that make them naturally resistant to pests. Perhaps it’s the overall health of the plant. But that’s simply interesting to take note, right?
Organic food represents a new way to procure and eat your food. And moving forward, it just makes too much sense to hold back. In fact, why organic food production is considered good for the future actually looks more like a non-question. Because quite frankly, what’s not to like?

Weird and Wonderful Ways to Eat Oreos

There isn’t a cookie available on the market that has a particular eating method as strongly attached to it as Oreos (apart from maybe it’s British equivalents, the Custard Cream and the Bourbon). The classic twist, lick and dunk method is almost as famous as the cookie itself, and is employed by Oreo fanatics all around the world.
Even though the twist, lick and dunk method is the prominent method for tackling a delicious Oreo, those aforementioned fanatics haven’t just settled for eating their favourite cookies in this manner. There is a wealth of interesting ways to eat your Oreos, some weird and some wonderful but all sharing one common characteristic – they’re delicious!
Oreo Cheesecake
The tough choice between cookies and cakes has been one that has plagued those with a sweet tooth for many years. Thankfully, one genius came up with a way of letting us all have our cake and eat it – the Oreo cheesecake.
Like a regular cheesecake, the Oreo cheesecake consists of a biscuit base and cream cheese topping. Unlike regular cheesecake, however, the biscuit base is made from crushed up Oreos and the cheese is sprinkled with chunks of cookie. The Oreo cheesecake has quite a few delicious spin-offs too, including peanut butter 

Oreo Cheesecake, upside down cheesecake and mini cheesecakes!
The Cookie Within A Cookie
Otherwise known as ‘Cookie Inception’, the cookie within a cookie is basically a regular chocolate chip cookie...with bits of Oreo as the chocolate chips. Sounds delicious, although it does make one wonder what further possibilities there could be for Inception-esque treats...a cookie within a cookie within a cookie perhaps?
Oreo Mint Cocoa
Oreos, bless them, aren’t the most sophisticated of cookies; they make quite the mess and don’t owe themselves to the standards of etiquette expected at a dinner party, for example. After dinner wafer thin mints are much more the order of the day.
But should one wish to consume Oreos at a sophisticated soiree, how would one go about it? Look no further than Oreo Mint Cocoa, a delectable hot beverage infusing the classic Oreo cookie with chocolate and peppermint extract. Divine.
Deep Fried Oreos
There’s a school of thought within the world of food that the only way to make a good thing better is to stick it in a deep-fat fryer...and sometimes they are right.
The idea of a deep-fried Oreo isn’t one that sounds particularly appealing, and your doctor definitely wouldn’t recommend you eat them, but they certainly are a taste experience. Deep fried in pancake batter, these treats are a favourite at carnivals and definitely worth trying at least once...just don’t make them a regular treat!
Oreo Pizza
Hold up, what? Oreo Pizza?! Don’t worry, this is nowhere near as weird as it sounds – it’s actually more of a pie than a pizza. The base is made from crushed up Oreos and brownie batter, while the toppings can be just about anything you want – you can even sprinkle even more crushed up Oreos on top for the ultimate treat!

Should You Buy a Robot Vacuum?

Sunday, July 8, 2012 0 comments
Does the prospect of having a robot clean your floors seem too good to be true? Well, fortunately, it’s not and there are several options to choose from. Having a roboticvacuum can free up your time and allow you to focus on other things like cleaning the rest of the house or an afternoon at the pool.

Using advance technology like sensors a robot vacuum can clean your entire home, and it even stops when it comes near a pet or child. And the good thing is, while they may need to recharge, they don’t get tired.

So, is a robot vacuum right for you? Consider what you gain.

Everyone is more busy than they should be or certainly than they want to be. Hiring a housekeeper is great, but may not always be an option. But a robotic vacuum cleaner can do the work for you, and you don’t even have to be there. You can even program it to vacuum every day. Nobody wants to do that!

Robotic vacuums are automatic and work unattended. Turn it on and go about your other business. It randomly paces your room and cleans without supervision.

Generally the robotic vacuum is a flat, disk-shaped device. It’s low enough to the floor to go under furniture and can reach many places that a normal vacuum just can’t. You don’t need to move sofas, stools or tables. The disk shape allows it to go around corners and furniture legs. But not to worry, there’s a bumper guard to protect your furniture and wall surfaces.

Conceptually, the technology of a robotic vacuum is similar to what the military uses to clear land mines using multiple sensors to detect dirt and sweep it up. The sensors are advanced enough that the unit will focus more on the dirtier part of a room and clean it repeatedly as needed. And not to worry, the units can tell where the stairs are so you don’t need to worry about damage when using the unit upstairs.

While a robotic vacuum does its best work on hard flooring surfaces, some models can transition from floors to low-level carpeting. You’ll find some can cover thicker carpet but the transition may not be quite as smooth.

They’re not as expensive as you might think. Sure you can spend more, but generally expect to spend between $200-500 for a robotic vacuum. But if you want to look for more features and options, you can spend well over $1,000.

When you’re looking for a robotic vacuum, consider whether you need something just to dust your hardwood floors or if you need a higher priced option that includes a scheduler, memory and additional sensors.

Most models will come with cleaning brushes, remote control, a rechargeable battery which includes the charging base, a program scheduler. Some will also include virtual walls that allow you to prevent the robot from going into certain areas.

The charging time needed will depend on the model. You may need to do some research between different models to see which option is best.

The size of the dust bin on the units will also vary. Obviously a robot with a larger bin is going to be more convenient. Make sure the bin can be removed and replaced easily since you’ll need to empty it frequently, if not every time you use the robot.

Keep in mind that you can’t expect your robot to work around your clutter. So you’ll need to remove things such as newspapers, toys, strings or other small articles on the floor. Drapery hems and pull cords shouldn’t be left on the floor.

Helpful Hints For Using Your Slow Cooker

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 0 comments
On the one hand, your slow cooker takes up a lot of room in your kitchen cabinets or on your counter top. 

On the other hand, how can you think of running a family kitchen without one? Slow cookers save you time and money while providing an easy way for you to make healthy, nutritious meals for your family.
There are many styles and brands to choose from, but all slow cookers perform the same basic functions. 

When you’re shopping for a slow cooker, give strong consideration to one with a removable liner that you can take out and wash in the sink. If you don’t have that, you can line your slow cooker with a cooking bag. That helps make clean up quicker and more efficient.
No matter what model slow cooker you might have, the basics are all the same. But some useful hints will help you get the most from your slow cooker as well as your grocery budget. Here are some basic things to know:
Give your slow cooker plenty of counter space. Your slow cooker is designed to be safe for you to leave it. But it’s never a bad idea to be safe. The sides of most cookers will generate some heat. So just keep the area around the cooker clear. Give it a good six inches or so away from the wall, other appliances or other kitchen items. It’s perfectly safe to sit on your counter top. But you can put it on a cooking rack if that makes you feel a bit safer.
Take the time to properly prepare your recipe. Sometimes that’s just a matter of slicing the vegetables or trimming the meat before combining it all in the slow cooker. When cooking meat, you’ll get a better flavor if you brown it first. Ground meats especially should be cooked in a skillet before being added to slow cooker recipe. Seafood should be added in the last hour of cooking to keep it from developing a rubbery texture.
Put the ingredients in the slow cooker. For best cooking it should be about three-quarters full. If the recipe calls for liquid, it should come up about halfway on the ingredients, or maybe a little less. Because the lid is on while you’re cooking, very little liquid will evaporate.
The lid should fit snugly on the slow cooker with no gaps for steam to escape. The slow cooker works by bringing your food to a stable temperature. Gaps in the lid will affect the efficiency of the cooker. If you have some gaps in the lid, wrap a sheet of aluminum foil over the top of the cooker to seal it.
Set the cooking time. In most slow cookers, the cooking temperature is the same so the setting just determines how quickly it gets to that temperature of 210°.
Let the cooking begin! This is the greatest part about the slow cooker. You can walk away, take a nap, read a book, go to work, or whatever you need to do. When you come home, your meal will be ready. No need to stir or check the contents. In fact that’s a major mistake when using a slow cooker as it allows the heat to escape and disrupts the cooking.
Once your meal is done, don’t leave it in the slow cooker too long. Otherwise it will continue to cook and may become dry or overdone. You also need to be concerned about bacteria for food that is left out too long.
As a caution, don’t use your slow cooker to defrost the food. In other words, don’t put frozen food in your slow cooker.